Magazine - 11

New times
Language: French
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What if changing the world begins with changing our relationship to time?

It often feels like time is happening to us, a fickle and unforgiving force beyond our control:
disappearing in our best moments and then weighing down heavily at our worst. Linear and
fleeting, time seems to carry us along in its wake, while the present moment often remains
somehow just out of reach, and our memories start eroding just as soon as they’re created.

But there are more ways to experience time. By paying attention, we can tune into other
rhythms, other patterns, other pulses. Time’s cadence is more diverse than just fast or
slow—we have the time of seasons and harvests, the time of stories and generations, the
time of rocks and trees, the time of rituals and traditions. Time spent creating and connecting.
Time saved, and time gloriously wasted.